About Us

Jerry Henige


JGM Retirement Resources is a locally owned and operated financial services firm based in Surprise, Arizona. Jerry Henige, the firm’s owner and President has 28 years’ experience in a broad range of the financial services industry. Before entering the field, Jerry attended University of Nebraska and also was part of the “Huskers” football team. In professional achievements Jerry has been the recipient of several industry awards. When part of Allstate Financial Services, he achieved the prestigious award “Inner Circle”, a spot reserved for only the top tier of country-wide representatives, as well as The Million Dollar Round Table, the Top Representative Award, and several Chairman Awards. Although his professional status has earned the respect of his peers, he states that his greatest achievement in life was getting his wife, Michelle to actually say yes. Jerry and Michelle have been married for 31 years and have celebrated the births of seven, yes seven, wonderful children, and 7 incredible grandchildren. With a strong work ethic, an unshakable Christian belief system, and a supportive, loving family, Jerry is driven to provide the best of service and value to his clients, day after day.

JGM’s mission is to provide information to clients, everything needed to make the most correct decision involving their financial future. The ultimate goal is the client’s peace of mind. Financial services can be overloaded with information. It gets confusing. JGM helps work through all the noise and extends great effort to arrive at what solution best solves the client’s concerns.

Working with individuals, business owners, and high income executives, JGM helps clients understand the workings of diverse approaches like self-insured pension programs, SEPs. Roth IRAs, Traditional IRAs, 401(k)s, 457s, and other sometimes confusing subjects. Jerry has years of experience in helping clients understand important documents like Simple Wills, Revocable Trusts, and problem solving products like life insurance, health insurance, disability coverage, long term care, and safe, secure lifetime income strategies. From simply protecting a family in case of a breadwinners death, to the long term planning of retirement income, Jerry and JGM have brought focus, and the sought after peace of mind to hundreds of clients over many years.

As an Independent Agency, JGM has the widest possible choice of solutions for every financial services concern. Unlike agents who work for a single company, or brokers that represent just a few, Jerry and JGM have the availability to work, as an independent agent, with any quality company that can provide the answers to those problems facing his clients every day. This added flexibility allows JGM to provide the most accurate and beneficial solutions to their clients. Finally, all of JGM’s services are available to the client at no cost, ever. From the initial interview to the building and implementing of a life-long plan, the client will never pay for these services. JGM gets paid, of course, but by the companies that provide the solutions to the needs and plans. When JGM performs their services and the client sees the value, whatever company is involved in that effort pays the fees, and as an Independent Agency, Jerry, and his team, work to find the best strategy, the best solution, and the best company for their clients.

With the belief that a client’s time is valuable, appointments are available at either Jerry’s office, or, if you prefer, he will come to you. That’s right, he still makes house calls. Either way, now is the time to check out JGM Financial. See what they can do for you!

Email Address jerry@jgmfinancial.org

Contact Number: (602) 697-3890

Schedule Your Appointment with

Jerry Henige

Phone (602) 697-3890